Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Work at home opportunities - ignore failure

Because failing at a task makes us sad with feelings of unworthiness, many people choose not to take any risk. These individuals live their lives in quiet desperation because they have such high aspirations for their lives. The problem is these individuals are paralyzed by fear, they can't live or do what they really want because they are afraid to fail.

But if we don't dare to dream and achieve, then nothing can be gained. Nothing happens. In spite of all the pep talks and the seminars, the fear of failure can be so strong and overwhelming that people become stagnant in a life that they do not want.

Starting a home-based business might seem easy to most people. But, for those who fear ridicule from family and friends, trying to start a home-based business is not an option. Some moments of failure follow us from the early years of our lives to adulthood.

Failures come in many colors and levels of intensity. There are some failures that are easy to get over. We can make a brilliant argument for the reason we did not jump in the lake with the other teenagers. We were the only that had common sense at 8 years of age.

We take pride in ourselves and our good sense. This type of failure allows us to explain our fear away while feeling good about the tasks that we did not accomplish.

But as we grow older, we must approach the working world from a different angle. Making excuses becomes our substitute for failure. We didn't apply for that senior management position because "its not our bag”. These excuses are not lost on co-workers. They know you didn't try because you were afraid you would not get the position.

Some failures that are viewed by others make us gag with embarrassment. This kind of failure is persistent and damaging to our self-image. When our co-workers watch us fall on our face during the high level presentation, there is a physical anguish that accompanies this failure.

The worst feeling of failure is when we do our best and still fall short of the goal. This failure is pervasive and sinister. But what the situation should do is make us try harder. We should never give up. Failure is not an option in the life of a home business owner. We might start to feel desperate and start planning how to make our exit from not only the room but this whole "life thing"

In Napoleon Hills famous and renowned work "Think & Grow Rich" there is a list of " 'The 30 Major Causes of Failure'. The only one that applies to the person reading this article is "Lack of ambition to Aim above the Mediocrity - The book states "We offer no hope for the person who is so indifferent as not to want to get ahead in life, and who is NOT willing to pay the price.

The price of success is the courage to ignore family and friend. The price is to try again and go through the intelligent selection process and find a home based business that will work for you. The price may be time. You may need time to get over the most recent failure and time to get back up and try again.

Don’t be tempted to stop your search to find your Shangri-La. Do not leave in the middle of the race for fear of failure. Whenever you feel distressed or overburdened by "fear" just focus on how wonderful success will feel. Close your eyes and envision, the car, the house, the faces of friends and family when you "Make it". Your fear can bring nothing but heartache. Your Success creates more success.

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