When it comes to building a million dollar network marketing organization secret is superior newsletter design! Make sure your newsletter is well written, well designed, and impossibly interesting and you’ll have the key to building a network marketing empire.
Write your newsletter as if you were chatting to a friend over a cup of coffee. To achieve that effect, your newsletter should kick off with a friendly greeting to emphase the relationship that exists between the recipient and the sender. At the same time it personalizes your business by presenting you as a real live, warm, and caring human being. Too often, articles about building a million dollar network marketing business emphasize down line, up line, sales figures and product presentation but far too rarely emphasize the human side of the business. The people who read your newsletter do not want to feel as if they have just been marketed to but instead they want to have the impression that their interests and welfare were being considered when you sat down and wrote to them.
You should always design your newsletter as a plain text document rather than relying on html. Avoid graphics and other items that will make downloading it slow. Structure the body of the newsletter in such a way that it looks well ordered and not cluttered. It should consist of distinct sections, some of which may appertain to the company you are representing while others will deal with general articles and content. Free tips that may benefit the readers or save them money will always be appreciated. Make sure you are offering your readers value beyond the actual business offer behind the newsletter.
It is often suggested that your company material should make up the upper half of the newsletter’s body while general content ought to be placed on the bottom half. However, such advice is flawed because it will cause those who are simply subscribing for the content but not for the business to glance over the message you are trying to get out and scroll straight down to the bottom half of the letter – if they read it at all.
A far better method is to intersperse content and promotional material. Perhaps the first article may be about a new product you are marketing while the second may be a recipe, cooking tip, wellness advice, or so forth; the third article can once again discuss an aspect of your business, such as explaining the growth you have recently experienced, while the fourth section may be a give away, puzzle, joke, useful fact, and so on. This makes the entire body of the newsletter readable and useful and makes it more likely that your promotional information will also be read.
Your newsletter should end with a friendly closing that in some way recalls the original greeting. Once you start building a million dollar network marketing organization using the newsletter as your secret weapon, you’ll need to squeeze every bit of value you can get from it. A personal signature, your title and contact information, an invitation to email you with questions or content suggestions are all good things to incorporate while a call to action, such as buying the product or taking the free marketing course are good closes for the newsletter. You may even want to add a teaser for the next newsletter, which will ensure that you will not receive too many unsubscribe requests. Another way to maintain customer interest is to focus on the customer by including questions as part of your text and inviting feedback.
Invest your newsletter with your own personal and original style, give it some zest and zip, keep the reader involved and you will be on your way to building a loyal readership who learn to trust you and therefore will be more inclined to do business with you.
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