Monday, March 28, 2016

Choose the perfect fishing trip destination

One of the first things you must do to plan a great fishing trip is to identify your priorities. You need to be more specific than just saying you want great fishing. Great fishing may mean different things to each person in your fishing party.

One person might be happy with catching 20 fish per day, while another might be expecting 30 fish per hour. So, you need to decide this up front.

Let's take a look at some of the most important things to consider when deciding where to go on your fishing trip.

What type of fish do you want to catch?

While this may seem obvious, it is something that needs to be discussed. One person may want to fish for walleye and northern pike, while others may want to go bass fishing. Since many northern lakes have water too cold for bass, you may end up at a lake that would really disappoint the bass fisherman.

Do you want tons of action? Or trophy fish?

Some anglers simply enjoy catching lots of fish (most any size) with the hope of getting a few big ones. Other fishermen would rather give up catching a large quantity of fish for a better chance at catching the biggest fish they can find. You need to decide which is more important to your fishing group... lots of fish that maybe aren't the biggest or fewer fish but a greater chance of a really big one.

It should be noted that there are many places where you can do both... catch lots of fish and get some big ones. But, these tend to be at the more remote and pricey lodges and are not always feasible for many fishing groups.

How are you going to catch your fish?

Do you like to troll? Or drift? Fish in streams? Deep water fish?

We've seen people trolling in 60 feet of water thinking the fish were only a few feet from the surface. Not much chance of catching anything this way. Be sure you know the type of fishing your group prefers and that the lake will offer it.

What do you want to spend for this fishing trip?

The price you're willing to pay will have a great impact on the type of fishing trip you'll have.

Be realistic. How much do you really want to spend? Are you comfortable in a tent or tar-paper shack on a lake with great fishing?

Or would you prefer staying at a more upscale fishing lodge?

Do you want to cook for yourself... or do you want the fishing camp to do the cooking?

And what about shower facilities? Are you willing to use a community shower or do you want a private shower and bath in your own cabin. Gentlemen, if you're taking your spouse on this trip, make absolutely sure you consider this one! If you don't, it could spoil an otherwise great trip.

Other considerations are how long the trip will be and the type of fish you are looking to catch. A trip to a fishing lodge on a lake with pan fish and bass will likely be much cheaper that a trip to Alaska or Northern Canada for arctic char.

So, if you really want a great fishing trip, start by planning just exactly what you want out of the trip and how much you are willing to spend. Do it right and you can have the fishing trip of a lifetime.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Joseph the dreamer overcoming life s challenges

Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made a richly ornamented robe for him. When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him.

Genesis 37:3-4

Of all the the bible characters I have come to love--- one amazing man would have to be the first in line. His life was very interesting and continues to give valuable lessons that are still applicable in our modern times. His name was Joseph ... the favorite son of Jacob... a man who had beautiful dreams ... the object of sibling rivalry.

In the story, Joseph was always the center of his father's love and attention. Jacob even gave Joseph a colorful coat or garment that came to symbolize how special he was in his father's eyes. Later on, he would pay for his father's foolish actions. Joseph's brothers resented him because he was the favorite son. Jacob, the father, had two wives, two concubines, and twelve sons --- all competing for his attention. Joseph's family drama have all the makings of a t. v soap opera...with various episodes of jealousy, hatred, deception and self-interest. Reading the account of Joseph's life is like being glued to the t. v screen full of anticipation about what will happen next.

Joseph, “the dreamer,” once told his brothers about a dream that a day would come when they would all bow down to him. This dream made his brothers grow more angry towards him. One day, Joseph was sent by his father on an errand. Specifically, Joseph was tasked to visit his brothers who were working in the field. Some accounts say that his brothers plotted to kill him but later decided to throw Joseph into a pit. Joseph's brothers also took his colorful coat and wiped it with animal blood. They later lied to their father by saying that Joseph died after being attacked by wild animals. After some time at the bottom of the pit, Joseph was picked up by traveling merchants and later sold him into slavery.

The young lad was later sold by the merchants to Potiphar, one of the Egyptian Pharaoh's trusted leaders. As a worker in Potiphar's household, he became distinguished in his labors. He was later appointed supervisor over Potiphar's household. The story takes a drastic turn when Potiphar's wife falsely accused Joseph of attempting to sexually assault her. Of course, Potiphar's wife did this to get back at Joseph who repeatedly warded off her sexual advances. Enraged by the accusation, Potiphar sent Joseph to prison.

In prison, Joseph again found favor by being able interpret the dreams of the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was so full of stress and anxiety about the horrible dreams he had and the visions he could not understand. Through Joseph, the Pharaoh was able to understand the economic implications of his dreams for the land of Egypt. Later, he was appointed governor of Egypt. The famine that struck the land where Jacob and his sons lived became the reason why they were later reunited. Reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers paved the way for Jacob to again see his son.

This remarkable story shows how we, like Joseph, must cling to faith even in the most trying circumstances. Stress and anxiety need not stop us from believing that God has forsaken us and that we have been left alone in the middle of all our troubles. Indeed, overcoming life's challenges is a journey of trust, faith, and perseverance that all of us must take. Like Joseph, we can also dream great dreams and live up to our fullest potential.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

There s a better way to improve your golf game

How many of you have gone to the local pro shop or golf store, bought the latest and greatest club, and found that it did not help your scores at all?

I imagine all of us can say yes to this question at some point in our golfing careers. The reality of this situation is that new clubs will not necessarily improve your game. Don’t get me wrong! I enjoy getting new clubs just like you. I get all excited when I get a new driver, putter, or even golf balls and cannot wait to head to the range to hit them.

What if I told you that there was a simple solution to improve your game? Some of you may be telling me; “yeah right, whatever, heard it before, and it is not true”.

Well, I am here to tell you there is a way to improve your golf game.

It is not a secret; it is not some new fangled training aide, or ancient golfing philosophy. I like to reference it as P. P.T. and this stands for PROPER PRACTICE TIME. Yes, the only way to improve your golf game is practice! And proper practice is even more important.

How many times do you go to the range and see someone purchase a jumbo bucket of balls and without warming up, pull out driver and start smacking balls all over the range. How well is this going to improve your game? I am sure most of you would agree to the notion; “not very well”.

This is simply improper practice, and to truly get better at this game you must practice properly. What do I mean by proper practice? Well, let me tell you.

If you have ever heard Dave Pelz speak on the Golf Channel, he often discusses statistics in relation to successful shot making. This describes the percentage of probability that a shot can be hit successfully.

For example, if you are staring down a fairway 20 yards wide, and pull out driver. What is the probability of this shot being successful? Probably quite low for any golfer, and given what Pelz discusses, it is best to stick with shots that have the greatest probability of being successful. In the example above, I would guess a 3-wood, 5-wood, or 3-iron has a higher probability of success.

Additionally, Pelz also discusses the statistical breakdown of shots made in a typical round of golf. For example, more shots are made within 100 yards to the hole than are off the tee box. I would also guess that more putts are made in a round than tee shots. Given this statistical breakdown of shots during a round, Pelz suggests that your practice time mimic the requirements of a round of golf.

This is where the notion of PROPER PRACTICE TIME comes into play. Knowing such statistics and abiding by the idea of practicing the shots most commonly made during a round, what would you suggest to be the breakdown of your practice time?

I think we can easily state that time on the practice range should be set up with most attention spent on putting and your short game. Putting and short game (100 yards to the hole) is where the majority of shots on a course are made, so why not spend more practice time on this part of the game? Most of us would probably agree and speaking with most any swing coach, they will say that more strokes are saved on and around the green then off the tee box.

But what do many of us do with our practice time? We spend maybe 5 minutes on the practice green, after hitting driver for 25 minutes, and maybe we will chip a couple at the end of our practice session. Knowing what you know, how beneficial will this type of practice routine help in the overall improvement of your golf game? Not very well at all.

If you follow the advice of Dave Pelz, and watch how touring pros practice. You will probably shift gears and practice putting, short game, sand game, and other facets of the game in a descending order.

Think about it and ask yourself how shots would you of saved in your last round if you were a better putter, short game, or sand player? I am guessing at least one or two. One or two shots a round can be the difference between an 88 and 90, or an 81 and 79. Much different scores if you ask me. Don’t forget about your handicap and what 2 strokes saved a round can do to that number.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Online accredited degrees

Many of us have a dream of getting a degree, but it is difficult to achieve. This is due to the fact that we have jobs and find that there is a full schedule all week while community colleges and universities often make it impossible for us to attend. We also have family members to take care and must dedicate our time to. These are the very things that are making online degree ever so more attractive. And for sure the colleges and universities across the country will definitely recognize this demand and respond to it.

Luckily, there is an alternative for the person who desires to attend college classes is online degree. This online degree is a course which is designed by college and university. It officially meets the state's guidelines and is deemed to be every bit as credible as a brick-and-mortar earned degree.

The online courses offered in the form of online degrees are very great and convenient. To get the most benefit from this course, it is recommended that you do your homework and learn as much as you can to know more about the offered online courses. The more information you obtain, the more benefit you will receive from participating in those chosen programs. Please remember that there are so many online coursed out there available for you, what you have to do is choosing the right one that suits you the most. There are 4 degree levels available online; Associates, Bachelors, Masters and Doctorates.

There are tons of advantages of an online degree. No need to schedule classes. Have your own time with family and take care your kids. Have flexible time and leisure time. However, the only thing you really have to do is be on yourself to stay disciplined to get your work done.

It is absolutely vital that you make sure that the degree that you are pursuing and the classes that you are taking are indeed accredited. You may not want to end up wasting your time and money taking classes that you will not get credit for.

If you were ever considering getting a degree to improve your chances of landing a job, or getting paid more, or even to perhaps change careers completely, now is the time to do it. The future is promised to no one and now with the advantages of online accredited degrees, there really is no excuse for not pursuing these wonderful opportunities. Most of these online accredited degrees are delivered by way of computer. Don't be intimidated by this if you are not computer savvy. A simple computer and Internet connection will be more than enough to get you through. So now you know. No excuses, get out there and get it done!

Weight training tips to minimize fatigue

Weight training has become a fad nowadays. Individuals who engage in this activity often make the mistake of lifting too much weight too soon. Weight lifters should bear in mind that weight training should be done in moderation to truly achieve its health benefits. Excessive weight training may lead to fatigue and cause injuries. People who want to lift weight should not increase the weight until they can easily complete the eighth repetition of an exercise routine. Weight should gradually be increased to challenge the muscles until it feels hard to complete repetitions. Individuals who cannot lift eight times in a row should use lighter weights because lifting too heavy too soon may stress the muscles and cause injury. In addition to this, the same set of muscles should not be worked out on consecutive days because the body needs time to rebuild itself. For a complete workout routine, cardiovascular exercises like running, brisk walking, or swimming should be done after weight training or on days where one does not have to lift weights.

Some tips on proper weight training include the following:

Do warm-up exercises. Repetitive, slow, and gentle movement such as walking for a few minutes or slowly going through the motions of a couple of the weight-training exercises, minus the weights. This may help circulate blood to your muscles and reduce the risk of an injury.

Stretch your muscles. After you have completed all the exercises in the sequence, gently stretch all of the muscles you have just worked on.

Do slow repetitions. Perform each exercise slowly 8–10 times. A slow repetition means taking about 3 seconds to lift the weight, 1 second to rest, then 3 seconds to lower the weight. Repeat for the opposite leg or arm, when necessary.

Don’t hold your breath. Breathe regularly during weight training. For example, take a deep breath in, then breathe out slowly as you lift the weight; breathe in as you lower the weight. Do not hold your breath while lifting or lowering the weight.

Pain should not be felt. You should need to exert strong effort when lifting the weights in these exercises, but remember to stay within a range of movement that does not cause you pain. Pain during exercise may be an indication that there is something wrong with one's exercise routine.

Rest. Do resistance or weight training exercises three times a week. A non-weight training day between weight training days should be done to give the muscles ample time to rest and recover.

Injury during weight training is inevitable. Some of the precautions that can be done when one encounters an injury is taking a rest from weight lifting and undergoing physical therapy. Tramadol, a synthetic pain reliever may be taken to relieve the pain and discomfort that can be experienced with injuries. Tramadol side effects are milder compared to other pain relieving drugs out in the market. These side effects may include nausea, constipation, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, and vomiting. Individuals should consult their doctors before taking this medicine. Though Tramadol side effects are mild and bearable, may not be used by individuals with certain health conditions and medical history. This drug may also interact with other drugs which may lead to development of more unwanted side effects.

Before engaging in fitness programs like weight training, individuals who want to improve their health are encouraged to seek the advice of doctors and other health specialists. Engaging in weight training exercises not approved by health professionals may do more harm than good. Understanding proper weight training may lead to improved overall health and well-being.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

What is a secret

As parents we have so much to worry about in regards to our children. We want to protect them from all of lifes dangers, yet we want to accomplish this without putting unnecessary fear into their lives.

When my children were small, we began talking about secrets. What is a good secret and what is a bad secret? This seemed to be a concept my children could understand, while accomplishing my goal of not scaring them.

Good secrets are things that you get to tell mommy or daddy. Such as we bought daddy a birthday gift. Today it's a secret but tomorrow we get to tell daddy. Another good secret is when the principal at school tells you there will be a party for your teacher but today it's a secret. Tomorrow however we get to tell the teacher.

As your children get a bit older, a good secret might even be your friend telling you she likes a boy. While your child may be asked not to tell the boy, your child could certainly tell you this secret.

So what is a bad secret? A bad secret is a secret that your child is asked to NEVER tell. A bad secret might be another child admitting they did something wrong and asking your child not to tell. It might also be an adult acting inappropriately with your child and telling the child to keep this a secret and not tell mommy.

My kids asked of course, "who will tell us bad secrets?". I began to tell them that bad people tell bad secrets, and quickly realized this is not true at all. Instead I chose to tell them that a bad secret can come from both a child and an adult who is doing something wrong. To this day I still believe that only someone doing something wrong will ask a child to keep a secret from mommy or daddy.

My kids and I spent many hours talking about secrets and that mommy and/or daddy must always be told secrets. I also assured them that they would NEVER get in trouble for telling mommy or daddy a secret. I can remember a few times, my kids slipping and telling a good secret when they weren't supposed to, but I kept my word and they never got in trouble. You see, I have often heard that someone acting inappropriately will say "if you tell your mommy, you will get in trouble". I never wanted my child to have a visual image of getting in trouble for telling mommy a secret.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Planning an emergency fund

You’re probably familiar with Murphy’s Law: “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.” It rears its ugly head when we least expect it. That’s probably why it’s called a law, not a theory. When it comes to personal finances, old Murphy really seems to know when to pile it on. Unexpected expenses and changes in your financial outlook are not a matter of “if”, but “when”. But all is not lost however, with a little prior planning, you can be prepared for when Murphy comes knocking.

It’s a great idea to always have a backup plan, especially when it comes to finances. When times of crisis hit, you’ll need an emergency fund to fall back on. Some cash set aside to deal with life’s little (or big) detours.

How Much?

That depends, really. What kind of lifestyle do you lead and how much will it costs to maintain that lifestyle if you’re out of work? Most experts recommend you save a minimum of three months worth of basic expenses. Figure out your monthly budget (you do have a budget, don’t you?), subtract expenses you can live without, then multiply it by the amount of time you think you’ll need the fund to rely on.

Keep in mind, three months contingency money should be an absolute minimum. If you’re single and have no dependents, the amount is going to be significantly less than if you’re married and have three kids. The more people you’re financially responsible for, the more money you should plan on socking away in this fund. If you have dependents, look to save at least six month’s worth of expenses.

To soften the blow should hard times arrive, look into short-term and long-term disability insurance like AFLAC. This can help pay some bills while you’re out of work.

Where should I put it?

Your emergency fund should be stashed somewhere safe and easily accessible. No, not under your mattress. We’re talking an account with liquidity, meaning you can turn that savings into cold, hard cash quickly. Checking accounts, savings accounts or money market accounts are just a few options to look into, though each offer different advantages and disadvantages.

Checking accounts offer little to no interest gain on your savings, and many of them come with monthly fees. Savings accounts are a good option as they can provide a small return on your savings and probably won’t charge a fee, but you may incur a penalty if you withdraw a large amount. A money market account is a viable option as it will probably feature a higher interest yield than both a savings and checking account, but your money might be a little more difficult to get to.

You can also go with a Certificate of Deposit (CD). This will give you the highest return for your money, though most CDs require a large amount to open and you have access to the money only when it matures; cashing out before that date will result in stiff fines. That’s not going to help when you’re already hard up for money.

Whatever method of savings you choose, make sure your emergency fund is somewhere where you won’t be tempted to dip into it. Mixing your must-have emergency cash with your “saving for a speedboat” account is probably not the best idea.

Hitting par the canadian dollar vs the american dollar

In over 30 years, since November 1976, the US dollar and Canadian dollar have not been par until now. As the Canadian economy has been progressing over the years, the US economy seems to have fallen behind with all its turmoil. The war in Iraq has not helped the US economic situation but rather offset the deficit, and in a move to avoid the forecasted economic recession due to the credit crunch, the feds cut interests rates by 0.5 points to 4.75 percent.

The move to cut interest rates to ease the mortgage industry has weakened the US dollar against foreign currency including the Euro, and giving the push for the Canadian dollar to hit parity with the US dollar. One US dollar now buys one Canadian dollar. But the Canadian dollar’s gain isn’t only linked to the US federal interest rate cut, but can also be seen as the Canadian economy has been booming in an upward gain from 2006 with a low inflation rate, and a red hot oil industry.

This rapid progression of the Canadian dollar against the US comes as a shock to some Canadians, who measured the Canadian dollar value at .62 USD only four years ago in 2002, and now hitting par seems too good to be true.

As Jeff Rubin, chief economist and strategist at CIBC World Markets, stated, “the Canadian economy that once used to be the sleepy little resource backwater of the North American economy is certainly turning the tables on its big brother in a hurry."

So what does all this have to do with Canadian and American dealings with each other? Well, for starts there will be an increase in American exports as buying from the American markets will become cheaper for Canadians. Although, vice versa Canadian exports to America will also decrease, as it will simply cost more for Americans to buy Canadian manufactured goods.

The Canadian tourism industry will also suffer, as more American visitors will decline as the dollar parity discourages Americans from shopping in Canada, since the one time savings of up to 40%, due to the dollar value, will no longer be available to Americans.

Although, Canadians will suffer in sales, they will gain in purchasing from American based businesses, and buying cars from the American side is becoming more attractive to some Canadians. As car prices in Canada are much higher than in America, a lot of Canadian shoppers will find drastic savings by traveling south of the border to buy a car. The difference in prices may not be the greatest for all cars, but gaps in some categories such as luxury sports cars, will save a Canadian buyer almost $14,000 on average.

But the high loony will put pressure on Canadian companies that are dependent on exporting to the US, who is also Canada’s largest trading partner. Already, in 2006 there were almost 100,000 job losses in southeastern Ontario, due to the rising Canadian dollar against the US dollar.

Even with such a massive job loss, the Canadian economy is still doing well, as the manufacturing sector loss a total of 289, 000 jobs since 2002, the Canadian economy has created over one million jobs in resources, construction, services, health care, education and financial industries, leaving the national jobless rate at 30-year low.

In contrast the Canadian dollar seems to be stronger over the American for the time being, but only time will tell the future of the American dollar vs. the Canadian. If asked to predict, there is always uncertainty, but given factors such as future interest rate cuts by the Americans, could possibly even lower the US dollar compared to the Canadian, and this could become reality in the next 6-12 months.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Golf stretches enjoy a pain-free game

We all grow by stretching and just like any other aspect of your life, a little stretching can literally grow your golf game to your next level of excellence. Unless you're a circus performer, or your name is Jimmy Olson, it's highly-unlikely that you enjoy "elastic-lad" flexibility in your body. And yet, flexibility is key to increasing your range of motion and your enjoyment of pain-free performance in your golf. Here are a few simple stretches that will bring a whole new fluidity to your game.

Stretch as You Go – With the repeated motions of our game you often don’t notice those little tensions creep into our body until you are reaching for the aspirin. Stretching as you go from hole to hole is a great way to maintain a state of relaxation and fluidity in your strokes. Check-out these simple easy stretches and see those aches and pains just melt away!

Backswing Stretch - You can do the backswing stretch by standing in your golf posture with your arms hanging initially mid-front with your right-hand over your left (reverse if you are a leftie) so that the backs of your hands touch. Exert a slight pressure between the backs of your hands as you extend your arms through the upper range of your golf swing. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat.

Low Back Stretch - Spread your legs about twice shoulder-width apart. Keep both feet flat on the ground and bend your knees to lower your buttocks until your hamstrings are parallel to the ground. Keep your torso as close to the vertical as you can and your hands in prayer position at mid chest. Once your elbows are at knee height, simply press the elbows outwards against the inside of each corresponding knee, exerting pressure against the palms.

Hamstring Stretch - Start in a relaxed upright position with knees slightly bent. Inhale deeply. On your exhale, hinge forward from the waist while keeping your back straight. Let your head and arms hang loosely. Gradually roll over one vertebra at a time, like a rag doll. Enjoy that long deep exhale as go. If your back/hamstrings are tight, you can relieve any tension by simply bending your knees a little more. Hang in the bent-over position for as long as you like taking long deep breathes and enjoy the great stretch in your lower back and hamstrings. When you are ready, slowly come up, one vertebra at a time and return to an erect upright posture. Repeat 5 times or as necessary.

Neck Rolls – Here are four neck stretches that will give you all the fluidity you need to keep your eye on the ball with comfort and ease.

Ear to Ear – As you exhale, let your left ear fall gently towards your left shoulder from the neutral position. Feel the wonderful stretch on the opposite side of you neck. Hold for a second and inhale as you come up to neutral. Repeat on the right side. – Repeat 5 times on each side.

Up and Down – Starting with your head in the neutral position, allow your chin to fall downwards towards your chest as you exhale. You’ll feel a nice stretch in the back of your neck. As you inhale, slowly reverse the motion bringing your head back through neutral and upwards towards the sky. You’ll stretch the front of your neck. – Repeat 5 times.

Left to Right – Starting in neutral position, and keeping your chin parallel with the ground turn your head so that your chin moves towards your left shoulder. Hold for a second before coming back to neutral and repeating on the right side.

Circles - Well they are as the sound. Simply rotate your head downwards and to the left in a circular motion. At the extreme range, start to move your head upwards and eventually to the right when it feels natural. Your eyes will move in a circular motion. Follow the motion upwards and to the right to center so that your eyes now look directly to the heavens. To complete the circle, continue over to your right, downwards and around on the right hand side. At the extreme right, you gaze will start to move downwards and back to the left towards center. At center your gaze will be directly down towards the ground. Repeat 10 times. For counter clockwise, reverse direction and repeat 10 times. Notice the nice movement of this stretch as your head moves around the circle.

A final word - Remember to breathe. Breathe into any areas of tightness or pain and you can enjoy a much more relaxed and enjoyable pain-free game.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Gift card

While online and retail holiday shopping sales have met or exceeded expectations for most retailers in 2005, there is another "rush" for all retailers to prepare for: gift card redemption.

According to Hitwise, an online intelligence service, the market share of U. S. Internet searches containing the words "gift card" was up 32% for the week ending December 10, 2005 as compared to the previous week. In fact, the National Retail Federation expects gift card sales to increase 6.6% this holiday season to 18.48 billion dollars, with consumers spending an average of $88 dollars on gift cards or 15.6% of their holiday shopping budget.

Gift certificates have always been a popular gift choice for the hard to please recipient or even for the lazy shopper. For the gift giver, it allows a quick purchase at whatever store or online merchant they select, with a dollar amount that fits their budget. For the recipient, they can select what they want from a particular merchant and for the most part use the card at their convenience.

But for some, giving a gift card is a cop-out, reasoning it is too impersonal and opting to hand pick a gift and selecting something special and unique for a loved one or friend. However, for some, the gift card is the ideal gift choice, with family or friends even suggesting the store or online merchant they prefer.

For the merchants, it has extended the holiday shopping season because they cannot record the sale until the recipient uses the gift card to make a purchase. This holds down sales figures in November and December, but provides a boost in January when most cards are redeemed. An additional boost is provided by the fact that most of the shoppers who redeem their gift cards typically spend 15% to 50% more than the face value of the card when they select their holiday gift.

There are some downsides to gift cards. Some retailers clear unused gift cards off the books by subtracting off of the face value of the card, an inactivity fee (usually $2.50 per month) after a certain amount of time. Some gift cards have an expiration date and others come with special conditions or restrictions. However, consumer outrage has prompted many states across the country to introduce legislation limiting or banning the fees. Additionally, there is no federal law on gift cards but, two Republican congressmen, Joe Barton of Texas and Charlie Bass of New Hampshire, have requested that the Federal Trade Commission investigate the way retailers conduct their gift card programs.

Is giving a gift card too impersonal? Is it the best gift choice? That question is up for debate and is a personal preference. But with annual gift card sales projected to reach 90 billion dollars by 2007 (Ernst & Young 2005), the gift card is here to stay.

Gas fireplaces add a touch of warmth to your home

A fireplace includes various types of fuels for building fire. You can use coal, firewood, gas and much more. Today gas fireplaces are becoming popular as coal and firewood are hard to ignite and there are more restrictions on air pollution. Most modern fireplaces use gas as a fuel.

There are various reasons why gas fireplaces are better than the other fireplaces. A gas fireplace ensures clean burning. It does not create pollution or suspend particles in air.

Gas is available in almost all areas and it is used as a priority fuel in cities and towns. This also because if the fact that the gas fireplaces can never run out of gas in the urban areas. A gas fireplace is recommended to you as gas can be ignited easily and one can control the flow of gas to control the fire. Gas fireplaces come with a controlling knob so you can set the fire intensity and length of flame according to your choice.

Types of gas fireplaces

As the demand of gas fireplaces has increased over recent years, newer innovations have been implemented to make better fireplaces. There are widely three types of gas fireplaces available in the market. Buying an appropriate gas fireplace is a tough job, as you need a gas fireplace that meets your requirements.


If you have a wood burning masonry or a factory-built metal fireplace, you can convert them to gas by using inserts. A gas burner and fake logs are installed in your existing fireplace cavity. For viewing the fire, it provides you with a glass front. The existing chimneys are also modified as per the venting of a gas fireplace.

Factory built gas fireplaces

Factory built gas fireplaces are freshly installed in your house. They are installed when you have a separate space for a fireplace. It consists of its own burner and fake logs which are situated inside the firebox. This gas fireplace should be installed by the professionals preferably. If you insist on installing it yourself, you should read the manual carefully and arrange for the required venting system too.

Free-standing gas fireplaces

This gas fireplace is highly effective in transmitting heat into the house. All the surfaces of the fireplace are exposed to the room, providing you the maximum heating. The glass fronts used on these fireplaces are made up of ceramic glass.

Things you should consider while buying a gas fireplace

First of all, you should consider the size and power of your fire place.

Next you should consider what kind of fuel, your gas-fireplace uses – what is its source of energy. You should consider if you want to buy a gas fireplace which uses propane as a fuel or natural gas as a fuel. Either of these produces almost identical heat outputs.

You should also consider the fact that where do you want your gas fireplace to be located. Analyze, if you just want to enjoy the flickering flames of fire, or you require heat from the fireplace as a primary heating source. Before buying a gas fireplace you should determine the amount of heat you require.

Venting is also an important issue to be considered while installing a gas fireplace. There are different types of venting available for your gas fireplace. You must ensure that the correct venting system is in place your fireplace. It is always a good idea to use a qualified professional to install your fireplace.

Adding a gas fireplace not only adds class to your home, but also provides you with the necessary warmth that you need. Installing a gas fireplace is an investment well worth it.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Why i travel alone sometimes

Some people shy away from traveling alone, a few embrace it. This article looks at the decided advantages of going it alone.

First, traveling solo is the ultimate freedom. The itinerary you set and all the decisions you make are your creations without concern or acquiesence to any other person or group. In other words, no compromises. No arguments, no second-guessing!

Traveling alone is a confidence builder as well. When I was young, at the tender age of 16 I traveled alone to work in Biddeford-Saco, Maine. I was over a hundred miles from home and family for the first time in my life. I was just a snipe of a boy and yet I was never terrified. Only a bit lonely. In retrospect, I realize the great value of that small journey (though a big one at the time) for a new found confidence was born in me. This always happens with travel by oneself. You learn you can solve problems, get over the blues, and find hidden treasures all by yourself.

Have you noticed that when you're on your own as a Traveling Pauper, people are more willing to start a conversation with you? You may feel like taking the initiative as well. Up pops an invitation for a meal, a side trip, a stay at someone's home. For some odd reason people keep a slight distance from couples and groups for they seem so self-contained in their association. Whereas the single Pauper looks ready about for a fellow human being that he might engage at any moment in pleasant conversation and simple exhanges about his travels.

Thomas Jefferson once said: "One travels more usefully when alone because he reflects more." It's true: you have abundant time for contemplating, even vegetating, or anything you want. A day long visit to one museum? No problem. A long hike on a trail frought with danger? Not an issue. You don't have to deal with someone else's mood swings, ---nor they with yours.

Here are two more exicting reasons that solo travel apeals to me: I find you learn language faster when you don't have someone else talking to you in your own all the time. It's funny, but we interact, are FORCED to interact much more frequently when we travel alone in a country that doesn't speak our native tongue. And finally, romance. I won't get into specifics, (this is such a tender and private sort of thing) but when you're on your own you're free to meet someone who might turn out to be very important in your life.

The most important factor to consider in your decision to make a trip alone is your own sense of independence. If you find that you have little tolerence for the idiosyncracies of others (and I confess this is my problem) you might be happier traveling alone.

But what if you have an eager spouse, relative, or friend that would feel somehow diminisehd by your decision to take off by yourself? Not to sound indelicate but, that my friend, is your problem. You'll simply have to open up these relationships in your life and solidly communicate the value of traveling alone. I pray your loved ones will be open and understanding enough to allow your wish to become reality.

I have a whole section in my book: 'Travel Cheap Travel Well!"- Confessions Of A Traveling Pauper on this issue of solo travel, as well as the many vagaries and benefits of traveling with a partner or a group.

But in this article, I hope I've at least opened the door, shown you the great benefits of leaving everyone behind as you discover the world INSIDE and outside of yourself.

Why not plan such a trip this year? Tell everyone of your decision or keep it to yourself and, with no explanation given, leave with great joy in your heart for the adventure to come. It's your choice!

As for this Pauper, I've done both and found each a liberating experience each time. In such action I've rediscovered that little boy that traipsed off to far away Maine on his own without permission asked or granted. I rebel still at conformity and the ristriction of others upon me. I wasn't placed on this earth to always bekon to anyone who wished to call.

So, I challenge you to answer your own inner traveling pauper, to pick up your courage and let your heart lead the way to a new adventure and landscape. Be it near or far---go it alone!

What about a bachelor party in europe

A strange phenomena seems to be travelling through the ranks of the fresh faced American ‘soon to be married' Bachelors. They seem to be catching party fever for their transatlantic cousins in fantastic Britain, and are starting to copy them (and even out do them) in their pursuit of the most liveliest 'bachelors parties'.

If it wasn't already renouned, the fresh faced bachelors of the UK are the world leaders in coordinating pre-wedding parties for the bride and groom to be. Over in the UK, the 'bachelor party' is additional fondly termed the 'stag weekend', which gives some indication that it is not just a one evening affair! It is now part and parcel that any English bachelor party encompasses at least a full weekend (often abroad), and is often even extended out into a full week!

A trip over to Europe is now the general name of the game for most UK stag parties, and with the opening up of Eastern Europe with cheap airlines, there are numerous new hotspots that have been descended upon by UK party animals. With budget prices, stunning girls and an anything goes atmosphere, these new destinations have also been popping up on the radar of cash rich American's, who want to see what they have been missing out on to their transatlantic cousins.

James Baddiley, a director at UK stag weekend organiser Chillisauce. co. uk, comments: "Eastern Europe has been popular with the UK stag and hen market for several years now, but what we have noticed just recently is that we have been getting a number of enquiries from the US, where Bachelor Parties are considering something a bit unique for their event, and want to get a sample of the Eastern European action, before it gets over run by tourists, and the cities just mirror their western European counterparts. At the moment there is a bit of the Wild West about Eastern European cities, and they are the ultimate destination for a stag weekend. We provide almost every European city and can arrange pretty much anything the discerning guys from the Us want - from flights in MIG's and aerial dog fighting to wild boar hunting.... and a lot additional besides ....... It truly just depends what the group want to do and we can arrange it for them."

On the most popular destinations, James went on to comment "Budapest is exceedingly hot at the moment, and there is always a big demand Prague. There are also lot of new locations that are starting to get pretty big, for example Riga, Tallinn, Krakow and Vilnius".

With cheap transatlantic flights, it now seems that a short trip across the Atlantic is now on the list of ultimate bachelor party destinations, for the additional discerning guys where Las Vegas is just old hat.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The five major microphones

Making your voice heard with microphones is essential in certain settings.

The first microphones were invented in the course of developing the telephone, a fact that's overlooked by many people but obvious when you think about it. Since then, microphones have come to be used in all manner of technology, from making records to performing live music, from dictaphones to personal computers.

Many devices such as tape recorders, video cameras and even some computers have built-in microphones. Other devices require external microphones, and even things with built-in mics often produce better-quality sound if an external mic is used.

There are five basic types of microphones, each using a different technology.

The first kind of microphone used carbon dust and little diaphragms to convert sound waves into electrical signals. Dynamic microphones use magnets to produce the same effect. Ribbon microphones use thin ribbons suspended in magnetic fields. Condenser microphones function as capacitors, often requiring a battery to create voltage. Finally, crystal microphones make use of the unique electrical properties of some crystals.

When it comes to personal computers, microphones can be handy for certain applications, though most users don't consider them a necessity for everyday computer usage. Some instant-message programs allow you to actually speak to the other person, provided both of you have microphones. Some people use their computers as miniature recording studios and thus need microphones to record their voices. And of course with podcasts becoming more and more popular, computer microphones are even more in-demand.

Microphones vary widely in price and quality. The cheapest ones start at around $20 for very basic, imprecise use. The most expensive ones can be several hundred dollars for intricate, state-of-the-art quality. Musicians' technicians often speak passionately about the brands and types of microphones they prefer, knowing their differences inside and out. To the average listener, though, they all sound about the same.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Advice on buying cheap bunk beds

Like most other items you want to buy, cheap bunk beds are available, but sometimes come with a tradeoff between quality and price. However, since bunk beds have safety issues, when looking at cheap bunk beds, buyers must use precaution.

Buyers should look for the best-priced bunk beds rather than simply cheap bunk beds. The former implies that buyers will seek high-quality beds at the best price, rather than simply shopping on price. If you shop around, particularly online, you should be able to find high-quality bunk beds at reasonable prices. Online retailers do not have to pay the high cost of traditional showrooms and/or a commissioned sales staff, and as such, can pass on the savings to their customers.

Buyers should visually inspect used beds and/or purchase used beds only if they are manufactured by a reputable firm. In addition, beds should be inspected regularly after purchase to ensure that they stay in top shape and any defects are noticed quickly and remedied.

To summarize, buying an inexpensive bunk bed is certainly an option, particularly if you make sure the bed is well constructed using quality materials. Likewise, like any bunk bed, it is important to continuously inspect to ensure quality maintenance. Just be sure not to shop only on price, since poor quality beds unfortunately have serious safety risks.

The proper swing sequence

Some people who listen to my golf lessons think the swing is all about moving the right body parts. But knowing which parts to move isn’t enough. You also need to know what sequence to move them in, when, and how quickly. Building rhythm, timing, and tempo into your swing is a prerequisite to hitting good golf shots time and time again.

Helping players develop swing consistency is a priority in my golf instruction. I work diligently with them, to help them learn both the components of a good swing and the “feel” of one. Once they learn these, they’re well on their way to hitting good shots consistently.

Below is the swing sequence I recommend in my golf tips. Following it builds rhythm, timing, and tempo in a golf swing. Practicing it builds consistency

Initiate the swing trigger.

Player, Palmer, and Nicholas all start their swings with a little move that triggers the action. Player kicks in his right knee. Palmer waggles his club one final time. And Nicholas turns his head to the right. These movements help each player make a smooth, fluid start to the backswing, preventing any jerky movements that destroys critical swing linkage.

Start the takeaway.

Requiring a one-piece movement, the takeaway determines the swing’s shape and tempo. Moving the club, hands, arms, and chest in unison keeps the clubhead low and the backswing full. It also starts a wide and a powerful move away from the ball.

Set the clubhead on the right plane.

During the first few feet the swing, the club must move gradually inside the ball-to-target line. At the same time it must stay outside your hands. The key to setting the clubhead on the right plane lies in starting the swing with the butt of the club. Moving the club in towards your right thigh helps set the club on the right path.

Open the clubhead slightly.

I recommend in my golf tips that you think of the clubface as a gate that opens slowly clockwise in conjunction with the turning motion of your body. Open it slowly as you set the clubhead on the right plane.

Check the club at the mid-point of the backswing.

At this point your left arm should be close to your body and the right elbow splayed out slightly, pointing down toward the ground. Your wrists should be fully cocked, forming a 90-degree right angle between your hands and the club. From here, it’s an easy move to the top of the backswing, also known as the slot.

Turn your head right.

Here, you should be aware of some tension in your right knee. Your left shoulder should be comfortably underneath your chin. Allowing your head to turn to the right as you swing the back to the ball encourages your spine to rotate. It also gets your weight moving in the right direction. The club should be as parallel to the target line as possible when it reaches the slot.

Start turning the lower body.

The body as a whole is then able to unwind in one motion. The movement produces a swinging motion of the arms, hands, and club, allowing the clubhead to peak through impact. Think about swinging the clubhead, not hitting the ball.

Straighten and release your right arm.

Do it as early as possible from the downswing, maintaining the 90-degree angle at the back of your wrists. Gradually opening up your body the target widens your downswing arc and puts the clubhead on a square path to the ball. In my golf lessons I tell players to drive the right knee toward the left. but to delay the club’s release as long as they can, creating solid contact.

Firm up the left side of your body.

It needs to both support and resist the release of the clubhead as your torso unwinds. At the same time drive your right side through the ball as hard as you like. Your arms should be fully extended and your weight going forward, sort of like a lumber jack chopping down a tree, to generate optimum impact. I have players in my golf instruction sessions practice swinging the club like a baseball bat. Then, I have them lower the club to the ground, but continue to swing the club the same way.

Rotate the body fully through impact.

Most of the player’s weight will end-up on the left side of your body and your right heel will be up. At this point, the knees touch lightly, the hips are fully turned, and the right shoulder is pointed at the target. Accelerating the clubhead through the swing carries the player through the swing.

Finish with hand high above left shoulder.

The player will be in a straight up, balanced position when the swing is completed. Your hands will finish high, just like you see in golf instruction manuals.

Producing good golf shots requires not only knowing which body parts to move in isolation but also examining the swing holistically. Practicing the steps I describe above in the sequence encourages this holistic look. Successfulyl linking them together into a smooth swing, with rhythm, tempo, and the right timing, builds a coordinated, repeating action, and generates consistency and accuracy.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Not all soccer cleats are created the same

Soccer is the world's most popular game for many reasons. Aside from the fun and competition it provides, soccer's appeal also stems from the fact that only a single piece of equipment is needed in order to play, and that is the soccer ball. However, if you want to be serious about the game, and you want to maximize your potential as well as protect your ever-important feet, then it is imperative that you invest in a pair of quality soccer cleats that will suit your skills and abilities.

In fact, most youth soccer programs and organized leagues require that appropriate soccer cleats be purchased before you will be allowed to compete. In order to purchase the appropriate soccer cleats you must make an assessment of both your needs and means. There are really three variables in play when making a decision on soccer cleats: your skill level, the surface on which you will be playing, and the amount of money you are willing to spend. Those factors will help you narrow the field of choices, allowing you to make a purchase that will suit your needs.

There are four basic types of soccer cleats: molded cleats, detachable cleats, turf shoes, and indoor shoes. Molded cleats are the most basic and inexpensive kind of soccer shoe, so they are an ideal choice for beginning and intermediately skilled players. Molded cleats get their name from the fact that the cleats themselves are part of the sole of the shoe, i. e. they are molded as one piece. The actual cleat is built in a size and shape that will allow it to perform well on nearly any kind of outdoor playing surface. The cleats cannot be removed, and when they wear out the entire shoe must be replaced. However, the low initial cost of molded cleats makes them easy to replace, and also makes them the ideal entry level shoe for most players.

Detachable cleats are the preferred choice of advanced and highly skilled players. The cleats are studs on the bottom of the shoe and they can be unscrewed and removed quite easily. This allows the player to not only replace cleats that have become worn over time, but more importantly, the player can tailor their shoes to perform best on different kinds of playing surfaces and in different conditions. By changing the length and type of cleat they use, a player can use the same shoe to play on firm turf or soft grass, dry and fast or wet and soggy. It is this versatility that makes detachable soccer cleats a must-have shoe for the serious player.

Rounding out the types in soccer footwear are indoor shoes and turf shoes, however, neither of these shoes are truly cleats in the literal sense. Lacking the peg-like cleats of the molded and detachable models, these soccer shoes are more like sneakers in appearance and are designed for indoor surfaces, or outdoor Astroturf.

When you are ready to purchase your soccer cleats make sure to have your foot properly measured in order to give you the best possible fit. Remember that the materials used to construct the boot portion of the shoe are important and factors greatly into the price. Real leather is expensive and comfortable, but can be easily damaged and becomes heavy when playing in wet conditions. Synthetic leather is less expensive and less durable, but it is the preferred material if you are playing on wet fields. No matter what you choose the important thing is that you are arming yourself with footwear that will allow you to enjoy your time playing soccer to the fullest.

Clutter busters simple strategies for cleaning up your act

With of the biggest challenges couples and families face is CLUTTER, both dealing with it and avoiding it. But, according to experts, there's really no need to stress over "mess", especially if you learn how to clean up your act, BEFORE it gets out of control

1. Front and Center: Deal with items such as loose change, keys, mail, etc. right at the front door. Consider a console or nearby shelf on the wall on which to place things neatly and out of the way. And, don't forget to sort mail immediately tossing anything you'd consider junk (though that doesn't include bills).

2. Go Barefoot On The Parquet: Okay, one of my biggest pet peeves is taking shoes off at the front door. After all, if you're visiting someone or attending a house party, shoes are part of the ESSENTIAL accessories that make and complete the outfit. Taking them off just makes the ensemble look, well, "silly". Still, I'll have to admit that for the "casual" get - together or on a daily basis, keeping the floors clean may not be such a great feat, if friends and family leave their shoes at the door and walk around in bare or stockingeed feet.

3. Book Ban: Get rid of old books and magazines that are piling up on the table, nightstand, or on the office or living room floor. Consider donating books to hospitals, hospices, nursing homes or to your local library. You can donate magazines to your local salon, doctor's or dentist's office. Organize books and magazines you intend to keep on shelves or in a smart magazine file.

4. Counter Countertop Clutter: Make it a "ritual" to clear off tabletops and countertops when you are finished using them or before you retire for the evening. And, don't let things pile up. Also make sure to have a safe storage spot for remotes and think about getting a universal one to program most of your entertainment systems, limiting the confusion and the clutter.

5. Fun And Games: No doubt children want and need toys, but they certainly don't need to have them "everywhere". Make sure you clean up after really small children or help youngsters clean up after themselves. Have a designated play area in your home and a storage crate to hold the essentials... and think about color-coding each crate for each child.

6. Take A Load Off Doing The Laundry: Make sure everyone knows to put their clothes in a hamper (not on the floor) when they are dirty or when they take them off. And, make sure you separate whites, darks, and colors beforehand. Finally, consider doing a load of laundry in small increments, before each basket is full, to avoid laundry overload.

7. Learn To Bottle Things Up: Open bags can take up lots of space and simply look messy. Consider instead storing chips, nuts, etc. in pretty glass (or plastic) containers that can be moved from room to room, offer airtight storage, can easily be stored or displayed.

8. Stop Playing Hide And Seek With Your Hardware: Instead of rummaging through boxes, drawers, etc. for the necessary, nut, bolts and screwdrivers, consider investing in a pegboard. You can buy a sheet at your local hardware store and hang it on an "inconspicuous" wall, then purchase the accompanying accessories designed to help you organize.

The bubblegum babes guide to sixth grade book review

This is one book that I would have cherished as a little girl. The Bubblegum Babes’ Guide to Sixth Grade is the first in a series designed for young people growing up in today’s fast-paced and high-pressure world. Doreen Lewis wrote it so that each chapter can be read as a complete story on its own - perfect for pre-teens that like to read small sections at a time. An award winning author and mother of two, Doreen writes with clarity and energy and draws upon her life for inspiration in her work. Her own personality is revealed nicely in the Acknowledgement and About Author sections in the book.

The main character, Kelly, takes the reader through adventures with her three best friends. They dub themselves the Bubblegum Babes after an evening of giggles and make-up. The four girls experience and discuss many things that aren’t easy to talk about in everyday life. Excellent advice is interwoven into each tale from how to maintain friendships, the mysteries of menstruation and the complexity of discovering an interest in boys.

Starting with their nervous beginnings in a new school year right through to the graduation dance, The Bubblegum Babes will have you wishing you were one of them.

ISBN#: 0976919303

Author: Doreen Lewis

Publisher: Helm Publishing

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Getting out of debt as quickly as possible

One of the most important things you can think of is how to get out of debt as soon as possible, especially if your debt is significant.

This incredible important task can seem very mighty, but if you take certain appropriate steps, it can be easier than it seems. For instance, I am now almost out of debt compared to what my situation was just a decade ago.

You would be shocked if you knew what my situation was before I paid off my debt in full.

Like many people, I got my first credit card while still in the college. If you don't know, this is the worse time in the world to get a credit card.

At such time you would get into debt with the vain hope that you would easily get out of debt in the future.

The idea that you would easily get a good paying and great job after graduation makes matters worse.

For me, the credit cards kept coming while in college. They were handy to a poor college student like me. There was one time when I took a very hefty cash advance for the purpose of paying tuition.

It was a very good idea to me, back then. I was also able to afford all the newest fashions and other accessories on credit. To me, there wasn't anything to worry about as I would get out of debt with ease as soon as I entered the labor market.

How wrong I was!

After college, the great job I was dreamed of was more elusive than ever. By the time I started work I had a high stack of unpaid bills.

In my mid-twenties I knew that I had to get out of debt fast or crash under the load of debt. Sadly, there wasn't any way for me to get out of debt. I didn't spend the money overnight, so how on earth did I expect to get the money to pay it off overnight?

Eventually I found the steps which I took to get out of debt. You can follow these steps too and it won't take you as long as you think.

The first thing you need to do is for you to take action. Don't continue to wait for one more year or one more month before you start on your plan to get out of debt.

Decide, then make a plan. Don't let your old habits get in the way.

First, pay off the credit cards that have the highest interest rates. Never allow the months to pile up before paying the minimum. If you do, it would take you decades before you can pay off the high interests on the credit cards.

Also, make a list of all those you owe. Then make your plan of repaying them. Many creditors would be willing to take a payoff which is less than your balance.

And of course - stop using your credit cards while trying to get out of debt. Follow these steps and they will help you get out of debt faster than you can ever imagine.

Application of business credit card in corporate company

Between so much of varieties of credit cards, one of the most underestimated when accepting credit card for business is the value of the credit card. Many people do not choose to request a credit card of businesses because except having a definite target for the owners of businesses or the businesses director it seems to be complicated to employ. Although a credit card of businesses has more conditions and has more raised interests compared with other types of credit cards there is, contrary to the common design, it can very useful if be used correctly.

What is the big deal of business credit card?

Basically, business credit card is for the business people’s consumption. Compared to the regular credit card setup, a business credit card has a high limit plus low interest rates. Depending on the manner of choosing, a business credit card may also bring a lot of automatic benefits. There are come bank which also offer free business credit cards for the eligible owners.

Since it is targeted towards businessmen or those people who are heading towards building a business, a business credit card can definitely benefit these small businesses. A business credit card helps the budding business by extending payments while improving the cash flow. Aside from bearing the image of a dependable credit card, business credit card boasts of having detailed reports and giving quality customer service as its major trademarks.

Aside from having limits and low interest rates, a business credit card provides many alternatives and numerous credit options for small businesses. A business credit card also caters to large corporations that are crafted to aid those people who are starting with their own business to grow while closely monitoring the baseline of credit.

Except having limits and low interest rate of interest, a credit card of businesses provides many solutions of replacement and many options of credit for small companies. A credit card of businesses also supplies at the large companies, which are brought to help these people who are starting with their own businesses to develop all in narrowly supervising the base line of the credit.

It really pays to go to the bank when one applies for a credit card to get the chance to answer all immediate inquiries. But since business credit card is for business people who are always on the go, many business credit card issuers offers online applications for business credit cards. When one applies for a business credit card, there is no need to visit the bank. There is also no need to wait in the queue just to talk to a bank representative. When you apply business credit card online, all you have to do is to select the business credit card option that would perfectly suit your small business or corporate credit requirements right from the comforts of your home or office.

Aside from offering safe, secured, and simple processes that are designed help you take care of your starting business, most business credit cards online offer accessible features for the convenience of the business credit card holder like the online payment and reporting. Customized company logos and access to instant cash are also available on line. Other business credit card online offers detailed reporting features for easy monitoring and access.

Although the value majority of offer of transmitters of credit card of businesses of large occupies itself, it is very important to seek initially what makes your needs for businesses. If your credit card of businesses is meant to invest in the inventory or right for the book of pay, it is significant to seek a flexible credit card of businesses, which can handle anything almost. If you choose outward journey directly at the bank or to request a credit card of businesses on line, a certain number of suppliers of credit card of businesses of minister are there to help you to find the product right of credit card so easy and convenient like possible.

Mentally passing a driving test

Nowadays, driving is considered as a very important skill. You could use this skill in cases of emergencies or even for something as simple as getting a change of scenery. Some people learned to drive by enrolling in driving schools while others were taught by their parents or friends. In any case, you would soon require a driver’s license to be considered as road-worthy. This can be accomplished by passing a driving test.

It is not surprising that you would become apprehensive when taking a driving test for the first time. Even if you are confident in you driving abilities, you may still feel nervous or anxious. This is quite normal especially if you are one of those people who hate failing in anything. On the other hand, the seriousness of the test can naturally make you worry. Aside from passing a written exam, you will also have to succeed in the practical test. Becoming apprehensive would certainly make you look unprepared.

Driving tests are relatively easy to pass as long as you have prepared for it physically and psychologically.

When preparing for a driving test, you should try getting enough sleep the night before to help you fell refreshed and relaxed the following day. Getting enough sleep would guarantee that your concentration is at its best. To be mentally prepared for your driving test, you should review what you have learned at least two days before. You can even ask a friend to help you with your reviews.

Aside from these, you will have to deal with your nervousness and anxiety. They can be managed through relaxing techniques such as breathing deeply, exercising or meditating. Once you are relaxed you can focus on your driving test effectively. In some cases, the anxiety is so intense that you might feel like you will never be able to finish the written driving test and perform well in the practical part. If this happens, you can always try hypnotherapy before taking the test.

A relatively new technique n treating anxiety, hypnotherapy involves hypnotizing the person and making suggestions to the subconscious. It is believed that when a person is hypnotized, the subconscious is more receptive of ideas. A qualified hypnotist can determine the cause of your anxiety and try to manage it. As soon as you wake up, you will be less anxious of the driving test. Hypnotherapy works best if you undergo at least three sessions.

What are glyconutrients

In recent years carbohydrates have been studied minutely, giving rise to a whole new terminology Glycobiology. This is in fact the study of how carbohydrates affect our health. Scientists used to consider carbohydrates as foods that were not very necessary to the body but now due to Glycobiology they have discovered some surprising facts about carbohydrate saccarides known as Glyconutrients.

There are 8 essential saccarides necessary to our health that are being researched and are known as Glyconutrients. They are:

• Mannose

• Glucose

• Galactose

• Xylose

• Fuctos (not fructose)

• N-acetylglucosamine

• N-acetylneuramic acid

• N-acetylgalactosamine

What has Glycobiology discovered? Through research science has disvovered vital molecules in our bodies that have a critical effect on our health. Exactly what are glyconutrients?

With the aid of the electron microscope scientists found trillions of tiny fibers sticking to the cell surfaces. They discovered on looking more closely that these little appendages were in fact sugar molecules called glyconutrients.

Scientists found that the function of these glyconutrients is to stimulate activity and produce enzymes which:

1. Act as blocking agents: To stop toxins from entering cells.

2. Suppressing agents: That help stop malignant changes in cells.

3. Glyconutrients help the body’s cells to communicate with each other.

4. They strengthen the immune system

Due to environmental problems like green harvests and processing of foods the natural sources of Glyconutrients has been seriously reduced. This has led to depletion in our diets. If any of these vital Glyconutrients are missing the immune system starts to fail and weaken giving rise to disease and infections attacking the body. This results in our deteriorating health.

The study of Glycobiology has developed important supplements made up of these Glyconutrients, which when taken increase the Glyconutrients in our bodies. With these supplements our bodies can heal and strengthen our immune systems. This helps to reverse the spiral of ill health and restore the body’s natural immunity to disease and infection. They also help our bodies against toxins found in the air and soil by preventing thm from penetrating our cells.

At first the study of Glycobiology was not taken very seriously but now major universities have become involved in Glycobiology studies and research. Also in USA, Canada, Europe and Japan over 30 biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies are now doing research into Glyconutrients. A product of Glycobiology research has been Ambrotose. Now more over 20,000 research papers on Glycobiology have been published in just one year, making Glycobiology a serious and growing area of research.

Note: Glyconutrients are not intended to heal, treat, or cure any disease.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

After a diet why does the weight come back

Before many Australians recently, a devastating story unfolded on a popular current affairs program. We watched with compassion as the fattest man in Australia told of his most recent, serious attempt to lose weight. Approximately 12 months earlier and weighing close to 300 kilos, he under went life threatening surgery to lose weight.

I doubt there would have been one person watching not moved by this man's depression and plight. Despite undergoing the surgery, today he could barely get through each day, both physically and mentally. He shared with us his sense of hopelessness and wanting to end it all.

It was not only his size that was causing his depression. He had to deal with a heart broken by disappointment.

You see, the surgery had been a success.

He soon lost well over 50 kilos post operation and he and his family rejoiced. But then the unthinkable happened.

The weight came back. Today he weighs well over 300 kilos - more than before the surgery.

This is an extreme case, but nonetheless raises a question that so many people continue to battle with.

After a diet, why does the weight come back so quickly?

To answer this we need to understand how much energy a body requires. For each pound you weigh, each day you need 12 calories to maintain your body weight. If you weigh 120 pounds you will need 120 x 12 calories, that is, 1440 calories per day to maintain that body weight. If you eat or drink more calories than your body requires, the excess energy is stored as fat. It takes 3,600 excess calories to make one pound of fat.

In this example, if your typical daily calorific intake is 2000 calories, in around 30 days you would put on between 4-5 pounds of fat!

Let's say, you then decide to go on a restrictive diet and halve your calorific consumption to 1,000 calories per day. You stay on this diet for around a month and lose 10 pounds and now weigh 110 pounds. You feel fantastic about losing the weight but can't keep up such a restrictive regime because you are irritable and have no energy.

So you go off your diet and go back to your usual routine of 2,000 calories a day. Remember you are lighter now and your body requires less energy to maintain its new weight. You would now require 110 x 12, that is, 1320 calories per day.

In this instance, by consuming 2000 calories daily, because you are lighter than before, you would put the weight back on in just 24-25 days!

If you want to keep the weight off you must develop a consistent change in eating habits to ensure you do not consume more than your body requires. You cannot continue to eat the same quantities and/or combinations of foods that caused you to be overweight in the first place. This will require developing an understanding of the nutritional content of food and raising your body's metabolism through increased muscle mass and exercise.

(c) 2003 Kim Beardsmore

Friday, March 11, 2016

Last minute travel options

Together with last minute flights, last minute hotels are big business nowadays. The idea is that you take a room that would otherwise be empty (often because of cancellations), and in return you get a steep discount. However, as ever, it’s a case of buyer beware.

It can be a very common experience to arrive in a hotel and find that there’s actually no-one in it who didn’t come on a last-minute travel deal. This is either because the prices the hotel is trying to charge normal customers are too high, or because it’s a terrible hotel. To avoid these places, check whether the hotel you find a last-minute deal on is otherwise fully-booked or at least busy – if not, you should probably stay away.

Even in good hotels, though, you might find yourself stuck with the one bad room that they haven’t been able to shift – the one that smells funny, or has a view of a brick wall outside the window. While this isn’t generally so terrible, you should at least prepare yourself for this possibility.

It’s also quite likely – though not inevitable – that the cheaper hotels will be nowhere near the city centre, leaving you to commute by public transport each day if you want to see the sights, or else hang around in the suburbs. You should consider the costs of transport before you book, as a slightly more expensive hotel that is more central can often save you more than it costs.

A final thing to be aware of is that you can often get a good discount by booking a last minute flight and hotel as a package deal through the various agency websites. If you are doing this, though, make sure that you don’t let the savings pressure you into taking a bad flight or a bad hotel just because the other half of the deal seems so good.

Don t carry a balance on credit cards

Surveys shows 50 percent of credit cardholders don't pay their bills in full or on time. More than 40 percent of credit cardholders say they don't know the interest rate on their cards. Suppose you carry a $1000 balance from month to month. That costs you $180 in interest a year if you have a credit card with no annual fee and an 18 percent interest rate. But many credit cards do have annual fees, especially the gold cards with the enticing travel rewards. You'll be astounded at what you pay once you factor in the fees.

You're fooling yourself when you slice and dice your debt onto several credit cards. Better to have everything in one credit card, so you know exactly what you owe. You'll have an easier time monitoring your indebtedness and not letting it get out of control.

Here are some signs of credit card trouble:

1. You're making only the minimum payments on your accounts.

2. You're missing payments or due dates.

3. You're near the credit limit on most of your cards.

3. You're borrowing from one card to pay another.

4. You don't know how much you owe.

5.You worry a lot about money.

6. You use credit cards to meet your weekly or monthly living expenses.

7. You transfer balances from one low-rate card to another every few months, just before the introductory offer expires.

It's time to address your financial problems if you recognize some of these patterns in your own life. Here's a six-step program to help you get out of the trouble.

1. Be honest with yourself. Do a complete analysis of all your debts, the interest rates and terms.

2. Decide how much money you can use to pay off debt each month.

3. If there is a shortfall, consider getting a consolidation loan or line of credit at a lower rate.

4. Consider selling investments to pay off high-rate debt. If you own a house, bump up your mortgage at renewal time.

5. Pay the minimum amount on each card. Use what's left to pay off the card with the highest rate.

6. Don't use the cards any more. Cut them up or put them into a box.

Buying everything with cash, cheques or no-overdraft debit cards forces you to confront the fact you can't afford something. With a credit card, you can always afford it.

Why we need to take risks

It does not matter if you are a Doctor, a Lawyer or an infantry soldier in the Army if you want to be the best and get ahead, you will need to take risks.

A doctor may have to take risks when working with a patient. The Doctor may have to experiment with different forms of medications or new surgical procedures when all else has failed in an attempt to help the patient.

A lawyer may have to argue a case in an unorthodox manner to win the case, but if the lawyer wants to become the top lawyer and make millions of dollars fighting high profile cases lots of risks have to be taken.

A soldier may have to take a risk and run thru gunfire to save another injured soldier, to complete their mission, or just to secure an area from being overrun by enemy troops, after going days with little to no sleep, but if a soldier wants to get promotions and eventually lead men into battle they also need to take risks.

These risks are not unlike someone looking to get rich in a casino, they have to be willing to risk everything they have to get that million dollar payoff. If you play it safe in a casino you may get lucky and win a big jackpot on the slot machines, but if you want to make millions you are going to have to play games such as Poker, Blackjack, Roulette and Craps . These are the games that with some skill, some luck and a lot of risk taking you can retire off your winnings.

The same can be said about life in general. No one gets ahead in life from playing it safe. You will not meet your special someone if you are too afraid to risk getting rejected by someone, you will never get that big promotion unless you take risks at your job.

It is very important to continue to take risks in life. To stop taking risks means to stand still in life. Standing still in life is one of the main causes of depression. These are usually the people afraid to confront the boss and tell him that they demand a raise; they are the ones that allow life to pass them by out of fear. The entire purpose of fear is to stop you from taking a risk.

Fear is nothing more then the unknown. If you have always wanted to quit your job and open a shop but you are too afraid to do it, this is because you are afraid of failing and risking what you already have.

It is important to learn to take risks in life if you want to be happy, you may not always get the things you risked for, but you will know that you tried, and in the end it does not matter in my opinion if you succeed or not it is how many risks you try to make that is the real test of how successful you are.

Just remember if no one took risks we would be a world without flight and probably no automotive vehicles at all, maybe we would have no electricity. So risk truly is needed to improve the world.

Poetry as a important part of the wedding

Poems, for such a long time, have been used to express one's feelings and emotions and to record events and thoughts in an artistic form. Reading poems during a wedding can enhance the beauty of the event.

The wedding poem may be composed and be read by a member of the family as a gift to the groom and bride. However, not many have good skills in writing that poem writing for weddings may also be entrusted to professional wedding writers.

Even if the task of writing the wedding poem has been delegated to an experienced wedding poem writer, the groom and the bride or a member of the family should choose the wedding poem writer carefully and coordinate with the writer as often as possible.

Choosing the wedding poetry writer should take place after the sites for the wedding and reception have been confirmed. This is necessary because some of the sites details may be included in the poem that this should be supplied to the wedding poetry writer as soon as possible.

Also, consider the site for the wedding rites. Some religious institutions do not allow alterations with the wedding rites such as including reading poetry during the ceremony. Therefore, in this case, wedding poetry reading should be done during the reception.

The wedding poetry should represent the groom and the bride and should go well with the theme of the wedding. The wedding poem may also be printed in the program and may also be given as a keepsake. Thus, a good wedding poem is very important. For that reason, brainstorming can help a lot when choosing the wedding poetry writer or vendor.

Before deciding on who will be the wedding poetry vendor and writer, consider what type of poem will you need. For a traditional and formal wedding, an elegantly written poem is suggested. If the wedding will be having an informal ceremony, a poem with a touch of humor will work well.

Do not choose a lengthy poem if the ceremony will be longer than two hours. Decide if music will be played while reading the poem.

If you have decided what you will need, you have to stat looking for a wedding poem vendor. The easiest way to look for reliable information is by asking for suggestions from family and friends, the manager of the reception site, the person who will officiate the marriage, or from your wedding coordinator. You can also search online for poetry vendors.

If possible, ask for a rough draft of what the wedding poem will be so you can decide if this is the one that will be appropriate for the wedding. It is preferable to allow one year for composing the poem. This is to make sure that there is enough time to edit the poem to suit your requirements.

Also, check if the wedding poet can work within your given budget. Wedding poems can cost at least $100. Ask for sample works and suggestions to enhance your wedding poem.

When providing information about the wedding to the wedding poetry vendor, make sure that you have included the following details: the interests of the couple, the type of ceremony, the location of the wedding and the reception, the number of guests and their backgrounds, the theme of the wedding ceremony, who will be the poem reader and whatever unique detail that you can include to make the poem unique.

If you have chosen a good wedding poetry writer and reader, you can make sure that your wedding's tone and ambience is enhanced to make it more memorable to everyone who will be present.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

How to learn to gamble in an online casino

Gambling in an online casino can require more and better skills then when you are playing in a land based casino. This is why it is very important to pick the online casinos that are best for you. Here I have written some helpful ideas on how to find the online casino that is right for you.

Gambling in an online casino is not exactly the same as playing in a regular casino. Yes the rules are the same but the way you play may be slightly different.

One of the major differences between gambling in an online casino and a regular land based casino is the fact that you can't look into the eyes of another player. Let's say you are playing poker and you suspect the other player may be bluffing you can look at them to try to get a read on them to see if they have a tell, but in an online casino you have to be sharper then that.

In an online casino or online poker room you need to be good enough to know from the way the other players at the table are playing if they are bluffing or not, as opposed to at a regular casino or poker room where you can look into their eyes and try to get a read on them.

Other then poker most of the games are almost exactly the same as in a land based casino. If you are new to gambling online you may want to check out some online casino review sites. These sites not only offer reviews from independent reviewers, but you can also find reviews from regular everyday players like yourself and read about their experience both good and bad and make up your own mind.

To do this I recommend going to yahoo. com and typing In casinos into the search engine, and if you check out the top 5 or 6 sites I guarantee you will find all the information on what sites are reliable and which ones are a rip off. Some of the sites even offer their readers weekly gambling Horoscopes, and recipes for foods perfect for the next time you invite the guys over for poker night.

Before spending any money in any of the online casinos, open a free account and try the games out for free, see if you enjoy the software and the different options. Make a list of things you liked and things you did not like and find the site that offers you more of what you want and less of what you do not want.

Make sure to read all of the rules for each online casino. They will tempt you by offering you bonuses just for signing up, but make sure you read and understand the rules for accepting the money before you accept it or spend any of the allegedly "free" money.

Many of the online casinos will offer you a tutorial explaining how to use the features and to play each game and I highly recommend that you use it, because if you make a mistake the online casinos will not give you a refund.

Other then this the only advice I can give is that the more you play the better you will get, and will therefore be able to win more money.

How to find the best rates on automobile insurance in oregon

Automobile insurance in Oregon is expensive. In fact, based on nationwide price comparisons, Oregon drivers pay more for auto insurance than almost two thirds of all other drivers in America.

This makes it even more important that Oregon drivers find the best rates on Automobile Insurance.

If your vehicle is financed by a bank or other third party, chances are you will be forced to take out full insurance coverage on your vehicle. Still, depending on the institution financing your vehicle there may be some leeway in the amount of coverage you must take, and by taking the lowest amounts required you can keep your rates the best possible.

But before stepping into the showroom to buy a new or used car, there are a couple of things to consider that might help you save a lot of cash over the course of the next year.

First, the faster, the more powerful and the more expensive a vehicle is the more you are going to pay for your insurance. Certain cars, such as sports cars, carry a very high premium.

Also, you are better off doing price comparisons of policies online before you make your purchase rather than after the fact. By having an insurance plan set up ahead of time you can often save a great deal over the insurance that a dealer will try to impose on you at the time of purchase.

If you are under 25 you are subject to some of the highest car insurance rates there are, so if you are in school stay there, study hard and get good grades – almost all auto insurance companies offer a Good Student Discount.

If you already have other insurance, such as homeowner’s or life insurance, ask your agent if there is a multi-plan discount if you also have your auto insurance through them.

By varying the amount of your deductible – the amount you pay in case of a claim – you can also greatly influence your monthly premium payments. And if you have the resources to pay your premiums a year at a time instead of monthly you should get a break for that as well.

No matter how you cut it, automobile insurance in Oregon is expensive, but by following some of the suggestions here you can probably cut your yearly expenses and make your driving experience a whole lot more enjoyable – after all, who doesn’t enjoy saving money?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Steps for a safe cruise

Keep your dream vacation from turning into anything but. When you're going on a cruise, whether it's a family vacation, a honeymoon, or just some time away, use a little common sense to keep yourself and your valuables safe.

Victims of theft aboard cruise ships can run into yards and yards of red tape attempting to prosecute the responsible parties. First of all, most cruise ships require attendees to sign a waiver, keeping the cruise line from being held liable for crimes that occur on board. Secondly, many cruise ships are registered in foreign countries, while passengers (including the criminals) are from various locales. Meanwhile, the ship is sailing in water owned by still another jurisdiction. This often puts the area of responsibility into, well, murky waters. Finally, once passengers leave the cruise ship, it is virtually impossible to trace your stolen belongings. Where they end up is anyone's guess.

So, be smart. Stay safe, and follow some simple rules to keep theft from occurring in the first place.

Keep good records. Before you leave home, make an inventoried list (photographs are helpful) of everything you have with you, and keep it someplace safe. Record credit card and bank account numbers, and leave the list at home. Do bring along a list of phone numbers to all of your financial institutions (and a phone card if necessary) in case a credit card disappears; that way you'll be able to report the loss while still on board and avoid any fraudulent use. Most importantly, if you don't need something, then don't take it with you. The less you have to worry about, the easier it is to keep track of everything you're carrying.

Simply putting a suitcase under the bed in your cabin is no defense against a determined thief. On many cruise ships, the door locks are changed less often than those at a hotel, and your room may not be as secure of a place as you think. If you can't leave your valuables at home, make use of the ship's safe. Do not carry wallets in back pockets - pickpockets and purse-snatchers are possible anywhere, even on a cruise ship. Consider investing in an under-the-clothing money belt, which keeps your cash safe and provides the added benefit of not allowing you to forget your wallet lying on the table somewhere! Avoid displaying any valuables or cash you have with you, and invest in plain but sturdy luggage that does not draw attention to itself.

It may sound scary, but consider the fact that you take all of these precautions and many more when you venture to a new city and stay at a hotel. A cruise ship is a lot like a floating city, full of people from all walks of life, and a little precaution can help save your valuables. Not to mention your vacation!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Airline credit cards are they offering the best value

There are more reward credit cards around now than ever before. There are cash back credit cards, points cards and American Express even have a new nectar card out. One of the long running popular rewards has been the airline credit card. These are offered by many of the main card providers and they offer as their reward scheme the chance to collect airmiles as you spend. Airmiles are an extremely popular reward as they can be redeemed on major airlines for free or upgraded flights. However, the question customers have to keep asking themselves in this respect is whether or not they offer the best value.

Looking at airline credit cards as a whole, they typically reward you with one airmile per pound spent. This seems fair enough but when you look at airmile redemption prices, you can see that it costs thousands of airmiles for even the shortest flights. For the vast majority of customers, it will take literally years to spend enough on the card to redeem a free flight, even within the UK. Some customers will be able to add these miles to ones they also collect on flights and in this way build up miles faster.

If you compare this to other rewards however, you may be forced to ask yourself if they are worth the hassle. First, compare this type of reward with similar rewards for using say a cash back credit card. While it will depend on the specific circumstances of your card, it may well be the case that you would have got back enough cash to buy a flight out right before ever getting enough miles to claim a free one.

Also, if you are paying high interest on an outstanding balance then airmiles will be the last thing you should be thinking of. Rather you should consider getting a good balance transfer card that will allow you to switch your balance to it and enjoy a substantial interest free period on the balance. This will likely save you far more than any reward scheme will b e worth to you. Also, you may want a card that gives you lower rates on purchases if you do not pay off your balance in full each month. As a general rule, if you don’t pay off your entire balance in full each month, you should be more concerned with interest rates and balance transfer possibilities than reward schemes on credit cards you use.